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Choose the right wood-burning stove for your sauna – tips for selecting a wood-burning stove

Choose the right wood-burning stove for your sauna – tips for selecting a wood-burning stove

Are you dreaming of an authentic Finnish sauna experience, with a wood-burning sauna stove? The steam from a wood-burning stove is a rare treat for many, as you usually get to enjoy the steam of wood-burning stove in separate sauna buildings or summer cottages. Also many homeowners choose a wood-burning stove for their home sauna due to the unique atmosphere it creates and the soft, pleasant steam. In some cases, a wood-burning stove and an electric heater might even be placed in the same sauna.

How to choose a sauna heater for your sauna?

How to choose a sauna heater for your sauna?

Are you wondering how to select a sauna heater and what the suitable power of an electric heater is for your sauna? Or are you considering what types of heaters are available and which option would be best for you? Choosing the right and sufficiently powerful heater is an important part of a functioning sauna, so it’s understandable that selecting a heater can sometimes cause headaches and difficulties.

Electric Sauna Heater For a Small Sauna – 4 Options made in finland

Electric Sauna Heater For a Small Sauna – 4 Options made in finland

Are you wondering what type of electric heater would be best for a small sauna? Does the size of your sauna cause headaches, but you don’t want to compromise on the heater’s appearance or the quality of the steam?

The renewed Mondex WiFi is more than just a Sauna heater

The renewed Mondex WiFi is more than just a Sauna heater

The renewed Mondex WiFi is more than just a sauna heater! We recently updated the Mondex WiFi heater control app …